Tuesday, August 26, 2008


ACCESS is a state web site that allows students who are in advance placement or who might not be able to take a class to take advantage of courses not taught in their area. It uses the Internet to connect students with classes and teachers that they would otherwise not have the opportunity to meet. The students can study subjects that are not in a standard school program and this will expand their learning outside of the formal classrooms. Students from all over Alabama can come together and learn in a virtual classroom. It is not for the gifted only but remedial studies are offered as well as supplementation to regular classwork. Teachers can have an opportunity to share their knowledge to many more students through video format.

Through technology, the classroom is not limited to four walls but can be endless. Teachers and students can collaborate with other teachers and students and shared learning takes place. ACCESS provides a great opportunity to expand a classroom and the world of learning by using technology.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Alabama Learning Exchange, known as ALEX, is a web site that offers standards in subjects taught by teachers all over Alabama. Subjects such as English, math, science, arts, social studies and others are represented. A teacher could click on a subject and get lesson plans, schedules, work space ideas and plans. But this information is not just available to teachers but also to students and administrators. All of this information and subject matter is sorted by grade level so that plans can be made that are appropriate for the grade level you are interested in. This model helps with the continuous flow of information in an organized way. Students are presented material in a similar way that other students are exposed to the subject. Also available are leadership development requirements for teachers, and even information for Special Education.

Not only are these links available through ALEX but ALEX provides another link to "ACCESS" or Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide". This link allows students in advance placement to be able to study subjects not available in their area or school district. This basically opens the world of knowledge to students who might not be able to learn about the subjects in there school. The use of video conferencing allows students to learn with other students not in their classroom. It does change the dynamics of the classroom by breaking down the barriers location. With the use of ALEX, teachers can join other teachers in the state in providing a common subject plan.

I feel that ALEX allows students to go anywhere in the state and expect the same type of subject matter and similar approaches in the teaching of these subjects. By doing this a students education is not hurt when he/she moves within the state into different districts. In addition, teachers can feel assured that they are providing education that is up to the standards of other educators in the state. Students are provided with well educated teachers who are up to date on educational methods and on their particular subject matter.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Inserting A Picture

red sunset
a picture

Who am I?

Hello everyone! I am new to blogging and am a bit shy about talking about myself. I returned to school after the death of my husband and chose to pursue a major in special education. I am an older student but I believe you should never stop learning. I draw and paint as a hobby and train my Jack Russell in frisbee. I am not from the U.S. originally. I am Canadian and was born in Toronto and I have lived in three different countries--U.S., Canada, and Japan.